Drug Rehab in Orlando, FL Rehab for drug or alcohol addiction is an essential step in the recovery process. It teaches drug-free habits that can open the door to a sober lifestyle. Dr. Hoffman specializes in outpatient drug rehab, which allows his patients to recover at home. Patients can recover without missing work, school or family members. Contact us at (407) 691-3975. Drug Rehab Options in Central Florida After undergoing detox and withdrawal, a rehabilitation program can help you beat your addiction for good. Rehab programs teach long-term solutions to addiction in a drug-free environment. Many different rehab programs cater to people facing addiction. The location, treatments and time span for each program will vary for each person’s condition. Rehab programs combine a variety of treatments, including therapies, counseling and education programs, for a better outcome. Similarly, a team of medical experts, therapists and loved ones supports the addict on their journey back to sobriety. Types of Rehab Programs in Orlando, FL There are several different types of rehab programs, including inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab. Patients live at a 24-hour care facility during inpatient rehab, whereas in outpatient rehab they recover at home. During the early stages of treatment, doctors will assess the addiction and recommend what rehabilitation program will work best for that person. Dr. Hoffman specializes in outpatient treatment because it allows patients to recover at home with supervision from loved ones. However, inpatient treatment may be recommended for patients with more severe addictions. Outpatient Rehab Outpatient rehab allows people facing addiction to recover at home while making regular checkups with doctors and counselors. Outpatient rehab is very helpful because it does not disturb a person’s work, school or home life. It, therefore, gives them a better sense of independence. It also allows family members and loved ones to play a greater role in recovery. Outpatient rehab can be just as effective as inpatient rehab, especially when the person battling the addiction is motivated to recover. The intensity of outpatient rehab can vary. More intensive programs are also more effective in most cases. Though outpatient rehab has many benefits, it can potentially have some drawbacks. For people who live, go to school or work at places where drugs are easily accessed, it can be easy for them to slip back into addiction. Family members may not be aware of this, or they could even enable a relapse. Dr. Hoffman’s outpatient rehab ensures that people maintain their recovery through accountability sessions, which track their progress. It is also cheaper than many inpatient rehab facilities. After their outpatient therapy, patients may be transitioned to regular twelve-step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These programs continue the lessons and good habits they established in outpatient rehab. Inpatient Rehab Inpatient rehab helps people recover from their addiction through a long-term stay at a residential facility. Inpatient facilities are recommended for those who need more extensive treatment for their addiction. The goal of inpatient treatment is to restore healthy habits and allow people to maintain an alcohol and/or drug-free lifestyle. These facilities are staffed by a team of doctors, nurses and therapists specializing in treating addiction. Other people recovering from addiction also live in these facilities. By living with other people in different stages of recovery, newer patients can draw strength and inspiration from those farther along in their journey. They also can foster friendships through the recovery process. Throughout inpatient rehab, medical experts attend to the needs of those facing addiction by providing group counseling, individual therapy, education services and more. There are short-term and long-term inpatient treatment programs depending on the extent of someone’s addiction. Short-term programs last approximately 60 to 90 days, while long-term programs last from 6 to 12 months. After the inpatient rehabilitation is completed, many people will transition into an extended outpatient therapy program that includes a 12-step program and other types of outpatient follow-up. Though inpatient rehabilitation is typically more expensive than outpatient treatment, it is very helpful for people with more severe addictions. However, this does not mean it is 100% successful. Despite weeks or months in inpatient treatment, patients can still relapse once they leave. Your medical team will help you determine which inpatient rehab facility will work best for you or someone you love. Committing to Rehab Rehab is one of the most crucial steps in the recovery process, so it is important for people facing addiction to commit to some form of it. When someone struggling with addiction actively seeks recovery, they have a higher chance of success. However, involuntary commitment to a rehab program may be required to save a person’s life. If you are concerned that someone you love may be suffering from an addiction, you can stage an intervention to express your concern. An intervention may be enough to convince them to seek treatment willingly. In some cases, a relative, spouse, or other concerned people may start an involuntary commitment process if the situation is dire. Laws in the state of Florida allow both people with addictions to voluntarily commit to a rehab program. Voluntary Commitment In the state of Florida, voluntary commitments fall under the Baker Act. For people facing addiction to receive rehab, they must willingly commit to the treatment. They must not have a significant or serious mental illness that could prevent them from understanding their consent. If found competent, the person facing addiction may choose any facility they want or can afford. They may also choose when and how they wish to visit the facility. The patient enters the program they have agreed to and hopefully achieves long-term sobriety. If they cannot maintain their sobriety or refuse to get help, an involuntary commitment may be necessary. Involuntary Commitment Involuntary commitment forces someone with an addiction into a drug rehab program. While the person may not wish to go to rehab, it is often necessary to prevent drug use from causing any more harm. There are more than 12 states that have laws around involuntary commitment for drug and addiction problems. Florida is one of those states. According to Florida’s Marchman Act, a person battling addiction can be committed against their will in certain cases. The law helps families use the court system to get their loved one into court-ordered detoxification and long-term treatment when they refuse or are incapable of doing it themselves. It takes a blood relative, a spouse or any three concerned individuals to initiate this civil commitment process. It must be shown that the addict has lost their self-control due to substance abuse and is likely to harm themselves or others if they do not get help. It must also be shown that the person suffering from the addiction cannot rationalize their treatment options. If a judge agrees, the patient is assessed for up to five days. If it is determined that they need to go to rehab, the judge can order a 60-day treatment program with a possible 90-day extension to that program. If the person in question does not attend rehabilitation, they may be incarcerated. Life After Rehab Once a person has been released from rehab, they will often be transitioned into long-term recovery groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. These groups help reinforce a drug-free lifestyle. People recovering from addiction should continue seeing rehab specialists and therapists to attain long-term sobriety. Though rehab is an important part of achieving long-term sobriety, some may need several rounds of it before they can achieve a completely drug-free life. The nature of addiction makes it hard to quit a substance completely, even if someone stays sober for several years. Dr. Hoffman’s SoberDoc rehab program is six times more effective in instilling long-term sobriety than the average inpatient treatment facility. In many cases, it is much cheaper. When you trust the SoberDoc, you can have a better opportunity to live a life free from the pain of addiction. Call us in Orlando, FL at (407) 691-3975